Friday, October 20, 2023
Francesca Ascioti
Shakèd Bar
Teatro Amilcare Ponchielli, Cremona
Juditha Triumphans

Francesca Ascioti and Shakèd Bar star in Vivaldi’s Juditha Triumphans
at the Teatro Amilcare Ponchielli in Cremona


Antonio Vivaldi

Juditha Triumphans


Cremona, Teatro Amilcare Ponchielli, October 20, 22


Francesca Ascioti (Holofernes)

For a full English biography click here


Shakèd Bar (Vagaus)

For a full English biography click here






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Francesca Ascioti and Shakèd Bar star in Vivaldi’s Juditha Triumphans at the Teatro Amilcare Ponchielli in Cremona
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Vassily Solodkyy, Gregory Bonfatti, Adriana Di Paola and Shakèd Bar star in a new production of Verdi’s Falstaff at the Verdi Festival in Busseto
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Francesca Ascioti and Shakèd Bar star in a new production of Vivaldi’s Juditha Triumphans in Pisa
14/03/2023 15.12.00
Bruno Taddia, Shakèd Bar and Giuseppina Bridelli star in a new production of Vivaldi’s Il Tamerlano in Ravenna and on tour with Accademia Bizantina and Ottavio Dantone
09/01/2023 12.09.00
Shakèd Bar stars in Vivaldi’s Argippo with Fabio Biondi at the Bad Kissingen Festival
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Adriana Di Paola and Shakèd Bar star in a new production of Scarlatti’s Il Cambise in Kiel, Alessandro Quarta conducting
04/05/2022 13.08.00
Shakèd Bar stars in Handel’s Aminta e Fillide in La Chaux-de-Fonds with Les Arts Florissants and William Christie
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Ana Maria Labin and Shakèd Bar star in Vivaldi’s L’Olimpiade with Musica Viva Orchestra in Moscow
05/01/2022 14.44.00
Francesca Aspromonte, Adriana Di Paola and Shakèd Bar star in a new production of Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo, Gabriele Ferro conducting and Lorenzo Amato directing. Live streaming
04/11/2021 9.14.00
Shakèd Bar stars in Handel’s Aminta e Fillide in Versailles and on tour with les Arts Florissants and William Christie
12/07/2021 14.43.00
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